http://redmine.lighttpd.net/wiki/1/Docs:ModRewrite h1. URL Rewrites
*Module: mod_rewrite*
h2. Description
internal redirects, url rewrite
h2. Options
h3. url.rewrite-once
Rewrites a set of URLs internally in the webserver BEFORE they are handled.[在URL设置被处理之前,在webserver服务器内部重写这个URL,只匹配一次]
url.rewrite-once = ( "<regex>" => "<relative-uri>" )
(说明:在上面的语句中, <regex> 代表正则表达式部分, <relative-uri>代表被替换或处理的文本部分,也就是说,凡是URL设置中,符合<regex>部分正则表达式部分 的字符串会被后面的<relative-uri>替换, 这个有点向javascript 字符串处理,其中url.rewrite-once,表示URL字符对象本身。)
h3. url.rewrite-repeat
Rewrites a set of URLs internally in the webserver BEFORE they are handled
[解释如上, 本语句进行多次重复处理,也就是多次寻找负责正则表达式设置规则的字符串,并进行替换。]
url.rewrite-repeat = ( "<regex>" => "<relative-uri>" )
The difference between these options is that, while url.rewrite-repeat allows for applying multiple (seperately defined) rewrite rules in a row, url.rewrite-once will cause further rewrite rules to be skipped if the expression was matched. As such, url.rewrite-once behaves like Apaches' RewriteRule ... [L]:
http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/mod_rewrite.html#rewriterule [以上两个选项的区别在于url.rewrite-repeat 允许在一行中进行多次URL重写,而url.rewrite-once 只能重写一次,其它匹配重写规则会跳过,只有第一次生效。例如:url.rewrite-once行为类似Apaches 的 RewriteRule,呵呵,这里言下之意,就是url.rewrite-repeat是lighttpd的独特之处了。]
The options @url.rewrite@ and @url.rewrite-final@ were mapped to @url.rewrite-once@ in 1.3.16.
[url.rewrite和url.rewrite-final 在1.3.16的url.rewrite-once中说明。]
*{color:red}NOTE: url rewriting does not work within a $HTTP["url"] conditional.* [
[ 注释: url rewriting 在$HTTP['url']情况下无效。 ]
h2. Regular Expressions
* Patterns ("wildcards") are matched against a string
* Special characters (see [
http://www.regular-expressions.info/reference.html] for reference):
http://www.regular-expressions.info/reference.html , (这个网站似乎是正则表达式官方网站,看来lighttpd正则表达式很规范。)
** . (full stop) - match any character 匹配任何字符
** \* (asterisk) - match zero or more of the previous symbol匹配零或多个符号
** \+ (plus) - match one or more of the previous symbol匹配一个或多个前面的符号
** ? (question) - match zero or one of the previous symbol匹配零个或一个前面的符号
** \\? (backslash-something) - match special characters匹配一个特殊字符
** ^ (caret) - match the start of a string匹配一个字符串开始
** $ (dollar) - match the end of a string匹配一个字符串结束
** [set] - match any one of the symbols inside the square braces.匹配方括号内的任意一个字符
** [^set] - match any symbol that is NOT inside the square braces.匹配任何一个不再这个括号内的字符
** (pattern) - grouping, remember what the pattern matched as a special variable 子查询
** {n,m} - from n to m times matching the previous character (m could be omitted to mean >=n times) 匹配n到m次。
** (?!expression) - match anything BUT expression at the current position. Example: @"^(/(?!(favicon.ico$|js/|images/)).*)" => "/fgci/$1"@
* Normal alphanumeric characters are treated as normal
h3. Replacement Patterns 替换模式
If the matched regex contains groups in parentheses, $1..$9 in the replacement refer to the captured text in the
matching group "$1" meaning the first group, "$2" the second, and so on.
Note that % replacements (like %1, %2, %0, etc.) in url.rewrite-* targets are permitted, but do *not* have the meaning they would have in evhost.path-pattern. If url.rewrite-* is specified within a regex conditional, % patterns are replaced by the corresponding groups from the condition regex. %1 is replaced with the first subexpression, %2 with the second, etc. %0 is replaced by the entire substring matching the regexp. See below for an example using "%0".
注释: %替换符,(例如%1,%2,%0等等) 在url.rewrite-*选项中是许可的,但是这并不意味着可以在evhost.path-pattern模式中许可。如果 url.rewrite-*是通过正则表达式指定的,%模式被相应的正则自己所替换。%1被第一个子集替换,%2被第二个子集替换,依次类推。%0被整个 的字符串替换,下面是一个用%0的例子。
h2. Examples例子
The regex is matching the full REQUEST_URI which is supplied by the user including
# the following example, is, however just simulating vhost by rewrite
# * you can never change document-root by mod_rewrite
# use mod_*host instead to make real mass-vhost
server.document-root = "/www/htdocs/"
$HTTP["host"] =~ "^.*\.([^.]+\.com)$" {
url.rewrite-once = ( "^/(.*)" => "/%0/$1" )
# request:
http://any.domain.com/url/ # before rewrite: REQUEST_URI="/www/htdocs/url/"
# and DOCUMENT_ROOT="/www/htdocs/" %0="
any.domain.com" $1="url/"
# after rewrite: REQUEST_URI="/www/htdocs/
# still, you have DOCUMENT_ROOT=/www/htdocs/
注释:通过上面的实例可以看出,重写模块url.rewrite-* 是在url被服务器执行之前所调用的,因此我猜测lighttpd 的WEB服务器是有事件管理的,通过事件管理来增强服务器性能。
# please note, that we have two regular expressions: the one which
# $HTTP["host"] is been compared with, and the one of the rewrite rule.
# the numbered subexpressions available to build the relative uri are
# being prefixed by '%' for subexpressions of the first regular expression
# match and by '$' for subexpressions of the second one.
# subexpression 0 interpolates the whole matching string: %0 for the whole
# string matching the conditional, and $0 for the whole string matching the
# rewrite rule.
请注意,我们有两个正则表达式,$HTTP['host']被匹配的是第一个。能够用来建立相关URI的数字化表达式由‘%’作为前缀,这个数字化的表达 式是作为第一个正则表达式的子表达式。第二个是用‘$’作为前缀。 第一个正则表达式,由‘%’作为前缀,数字化的表示方式,例如(%1,%2 ...)能够用来建立相关的URI,表达式0(%0或$0)包含了整个匹配的字符串。
# if the rewrite rule is not included in a conditional
# block, only the '$' prefixed variables are available.
如果rewrite rule(重写规则)没有被包含在一个条件代码块内,只有'$'作为前缀的变量是有效的。所谓代码块,指被大括号‘{’和‘}’包围着的一段代码,这里看起来有点局部变量的意思。
url.rewrite-once = ( "^/id/([0-9]+)$" => "/index.php?id=$1",
"^/link/([a-zA-Z]+)" => "/index.php?link=$1" )
h3. With mod_redirect 重定向模块
Rewrite rules always execute before redirect rules. This is true regardless of the order of module loading or the order of rules in the configuration (lighttpd v1.4.13). However, mod_rewrite provides a mechanism to pass URLs through unmangled: specify "$0" as the rule target.
url.rewrite-once = (
"^/foo" => "$0",
"^/(.*)" => "/handler/$1"
url.redirect = (
"^/foo" => "
h3. Workaround for "File name too long" on Windows
While running Lighttpd on Windows you may get @500 Internal Server Error@ if computed filename is longer than 255 symbols.
In error log it will be @(response.c.537) file not found ... or so: File name too long /very_looooong_path ->@.
As workaround you can use @mod_rewrite@ to avoid this error.
当在windows下运行Lighttpd时,如果文件名长度大于225个字符,也许你会获得 @500 Internal Server Error@ 服务器错误,在错误日志中,这个记录是@(response.c.537)
server.modules += ("mod_rewrite")
url.rewrite-once = ( ".{250,}" => "/toolong.php" )
If error handler is PHP, @$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']@ will contain full URI.
h3. Passing / Matching the Query string (GET variables)
If you wanna pass the Query String (?foo=bar) to the rewrite destination you have to explicitly match it:
url.rewrite-once = (
"^/news/([^\?]+)(\?(.*))?" => "/news.php?title=$1&$3"