

1. Grafpedia – 这个网站有VIP制度,成为VIP以后,会有大量的资源可以下载,当然,可以在这里看到相当多的免费教程,关于Designing Drawing Effects Illustrator Photo Effects Web layouts

2. Usability Post – Usability Post 是一个关于设计的blog. 设计不是看起来像什么,而是让设计使得人们如何更好的工作.

3. Six Revisions – Six Revisions 是我经常去的网站了,她对网页开发人员很有帮助,一切最新最时尚的信息都可以在这里找到.

4. Spoon Graphics – 打开这个网站,你就会看到—他明显是一个设计类的博客.提供了非常多的设计教程和设计展示.

5. Chris Wallace – Chris Wallace 是一个设计和前段开发的博客.

6. CSS Globe – CSSG 致力于Web标准的网页标准设计.

7. Design Bump – 优秀的用户提交的设计链接,通过这里,你可以找到关于设计和开发的解决方案.

8. DesignM.ag – DesignM.ag 是一个以社区为基础的网页设计和开发的网站.

9. Fudge Graphics – Fudgegraphics 创建于2008年4月. Fudgegraphics 可以被描述为设计灵感的博客. 他包括了Photoshop笔刷,纹理和矢量文件.

10. WeFunction – 这是一个优秀的设计团队,很多优秀的设计都是出自他们这里.

11. LaptopLogic – 这是一个笔记本评论网站,不明白为什么这个也被归纳进来了.

12. Naldz Graphics – Naldz Graphics 是为设计师和设计爱好者所准备的.我们展示最好的教程,赠品,启示和其它有用并且能够对设计有用的信息.

13. NetTut+ – Nettuts+ 是一个对前端开发者和后端开发者都非常有用的网站,里面有大量的教程可以学习,包括了 HTML, CSS, Javascript, CMS’s, PHP 和 Ruby.

写到了这里,我发现填写注释似乎是一个吃力不讨好的举动,因为这些网站几乎都包含设计和开发于一身,下面,大家就直接点击进去看就是.俗话说,关键 在于坚持,如何利用这些网站的资源,我们每个人都有不同的理解,以后我也会总结一些专题性的前端文章在这里,不想看英文的话,可以订阅DesiZen.

14. Noupe – NOUPE passionately delivers stylish and dynamic news for designers and web-developers on all subjects of design, ranging from; CSS, Ajax, Javascript, web design, graphics, typography, advertising & much more.

15. PSDFan – Lots of nice Photoshop Tutorials, Freebies and Interviews on this site. This blog is being developed by Tom Ross and Karl.

16. PSDVibe – a site where you’ll find Adobe Photoshop tutorials, resources and freebies. New owner of the site is Jean-Baptiste Jung.

17. Re-Encoded – [Re]Encoded is a resource both for active web designers/developers and for people who simply enjoy good design and want to learn more, see more and do more than they already do.

18. Smashing Apps – a unique site with more than 30,000 visitors per day, provides free and useful online resrouces for website designers and custom web developers.

19. Smashing Magazine – Founded in September 2006, Smashing Magazine delivers useful and innovative information to Web designers and developers.

20. StyleGala – Stylegala is an online resource and inspiration guide for web agencies, designers and developers who take interest in websites that combine the powers of design, web standards and CSS.

21. StylizedWeb – StylizedWeb is blog about web trends and tutorials, maintained by Ross Johnson. Blog was started at the very end of 2007. Stylized Web is brought to you by 3.7 DESIGNS.

22. The Best Designs – The Best Designs recognizes the best Flash and CSS web sites from around the world. Websites are categorized by CSS or Flash and also by elements of the design. TBD is usually updated every weekday, with the exception of holidays.

23. Vandley Design – The blog at VandelayDesign.com was launched in March of 2007 as an attempt to make our site more useful to visitors than just a standard portfolio site.

24. Walyou – Walyou was originally founded in 2007 by Eran Abramson and Tal Siach along with Ilan Neisse and Meir Warcel as a project within an Entrepreneurial program in their last year of studies.

25. WebDesignHelp (WDH) – WDH writes articles about web design trends, showcase and writes tutorials!

26. WebdesignerDepot – Webdesigner Depot is an exciting new platform designed to explore different web and graphic design techniques, great examples and best practices.

27. The Webdesign Ledger – The Web Design Ledger is a publication written by web designers for web designers.

28. Acuity Designs – Acuity Designs is an energetic partnership, offering graphic design, illustration and web development services to both public and private clients throughout the UK.

29. TML Websidesign – At TML Web Design in Christchurch, New Zealand we specialise in designing contemporary and search engine optimised websites for New Zealand travel, tourism and leisure businesses.

30. Smiley Cat – Smiley Cat Web Design is the online home of Christian Watson. Christian lives with his family in Austin, Texas.

31. Dev Lounge – Devlounge is a site for people working and enjoying the web. We want to be the online magazine for web designers, web publishers, and web workers overall.

32. Clagnut – This is the online home of Richard Rutter, a website designer. Here he writes about information architecture, accessibility, design, Brighton, music and occasionally mountain biking.

33. Design Meltdown – Latest information on Design Elements, Trends & Problems in Web Design

34. David Dairey – This blog is written by Mr. David Airey. He is specialized in brand identity management.

35. ColourLovers – COLOURlovers™ is a resource that monitors and influences color trends. COLOURlovers gives the people who use color – whether for ad campaigns, product design, or even in architectural specification – a place to check out a world of color, compare color palettes, submit news and comments, and read color related articles and interviews.

36. Davidthedesigner – David the designer is your friendly neighbourhood designer.

37. Fadtasticfadtastic.net is a multi-author web design trends journal.

38. BittBox – This blog had been developed and maintained by Mr. Jay Hilgert. He is from Oklahoma and provides lots of freebies on this blog.

39. TheUnderSigned – The owner of this blog is Mr. Thomas Silkjaer and he lives in Arhus, Denmark.

40. SitePoint’s Design Blogsitepoint.com is currently the 922nd most visited web site in the world!

41. BrianGardner – This blog is owned and maintained by Brian Gardner who is hopeless Starbucks addict, freelance web designer/internet consultant living in Chicago.

42. Warpspire – Warpspire is Kyle Neath’s home on the web. Here he shares his projects, his past portfolio, and his journal of thoughts.

43. ParticleTree – Particletree is the beginning of something. This place, this collection of knowledge, is a gathering of forces, a sharpening of skills. We believe both web applications and learning about how to create web applications can always be better.

44. Andy Budd – Andy Budd is the managing director of Clearleft, a user experience consultancy based in brighton, England.

45. The Man in Blue – The Man in Blue is the alter ego of Cameron Adams, a Web Technologist in Melbourne Sydney, Australia. (That means he does graphic design, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, writing, server-side jiggery pokery, and anything else that takes his fancy that day.)

46. BarTelMe – Bartelmedesign is a small design agency located in Graz, Austria. Their focus is on creating standards compliant web sites and professional icons for your web site or application.

47. Snook – First and foremost, this site is a resource—for Jonathan and the community. It’s also jonathan’s personal design and code playground, a place to experiment, and therefore, a site that is in a constant state of flux.

48. CSSBeauty – CSSBEAUTY™ is a project focused on providing its audience with a database of well designed CSS based websites from around the world.

49. TutorialBlog – Tutorialblog was started in 2005 to provide Photoshop Tutorials on various techniques and effects. It was acquired in 2008 by Hecta Media with aims of broadening the scope of the site and becoming a useful resource for beginner and intermediates alike.

50. Chris Pearson – Chris Pearson’s blog which covers highly useful articles on blogs improvement and also on website development.

51. SimpleBits – SimpleBits is a tiny web design studio founded by Dan Cederholm. We create simple, readable, handcrafted interfaces balanced with a standards-based methodology, and we’re based in Salem, Massachusetts.

52. MeyerWeb – Eric A. Meyer has been working with the Web since late 1993 and is an internationally recognized expert on the subjects of HTML and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). He is the principal consultant for Complex Spiral Consulting and lives in Cleveland, Ohio, which is a much nicer city than you’ve been led to believe.

53. 456bereastreet – This site is developed and authored by me, Roger Johansson. I’m a Swedish web professional who has been working with the web and other interactive media since 1994.

54. A List Apart – A List Apart Magazine (ISSN: 1534-0295) explores the design, development, and meaning of web content, with a special focus on web standards and best practices.

55. JustCreativeDesign – On this website you will find my personal graphic design portfolio, as well as a blog on the main subject of graphic design which provides free graphic design tips, articles & resources on all subjects of design, ranging from, but not limited to; print design, logo design, web design, branding, typography, advertising & more.

56. Fuel Your Creativity – Most people find that true creativity isn’t a constant presence in their lives, no matter how much you fool yourself into thinking that. We’d like to introduce you to Fuel Your Creativity. This gem is the place to turn to when you’re having one of your “I’m-going-to-implode-if-I-don’t-get-an-idea-soon” moments. Don’t lie. You know you have them.

57. Outlaw Design Blog – About the Author – Danny is one of the raddest creatives this side of the Mason Dixon line. He has freelanced from all over the world, but most recently lived in Costa Rica. He has a somewhat unhealthy obsession with toys, LOST, and sharpie markers.

58. CSS Tricks – Chris Coyier is a web designer from Madison, Wisconsin currently living in Portland, Oregon and working for Chatman Design.

59. HTML-Ipsum – Nice resource to get Lorem Ipsum codes for various structures like Long Paragraph, Unordered list, Kitchen Sink etc.

60. Woork – I am Antonio Lupetti, Engineer, Pro Blogger, Mac user, Web addicted. Rome, IT.

61. Web Resources Depot – Free fantastic Web Resources Everyday.

62. WebDesignerWall – Web Designer Wall is designed and maintained by Nick La, who also runs N.Design Studio and Best Web Gallery. I’ve been designing for several years and my work has been published on numbers of magazines.

63. Design Reviver – The goal of Design Reviver is to provide Web Designers with valuable information. Here you will find useful tutorials, free downloads, sources of inspiration, and articles covering a wide range of web design related topics.

64. ShareBrain – “You don’t have to know everything, but u have to know where to find it”. Thats why Thomas created Sharebrain.

65. Tutorial9 – A collection of teachers, experts, and caring folk from around the world, all gathered in one place to pass along our knowledge to absolutely anyone interested in learning.

66. CSSVault – This site is useful for me as a designer and I hope that it is useful for you whether you are a designer, developer, programmer, manager, or just a CSS advocate.

67. DesignShack – Design Shack showcases inspiring web design, alongside resources and tutorials for you to succeed in the same way.

68. ApplestoOranges – Nice design inspiration from Apples to Oranges LLC. Nice business name :)

69. Unmatched Style – Unmatched Style is not just another CSS design gallery. We want to foster constructive design criticism as well as provide inspiration to our readers.

70. Alvit – Web-Developer’s handbook 2.0 – developing web-sites, exploring imagination.

71. MezzoBlue – Mezzoblue is a weblog. It was once a portfolio site, then a portfolio/weblog, then a weblog/portfolio, but these days it’s pretty much entirely weblog. I host other content here and there, but you’re mainly here for the writing.

72. STOPDesign – Stopdesign is the creative outlet of Douglas Bowman. That’s me. I am passionate about design, typography, and the media and tools of my craft. I am currently the Creative Director at Twitter, where I’m leading a small design team, and overseeing an evolving set of design challenges for a growing list of features and uses of the service.

73. Boxes and Arrows – Boxes and Arrows is devoted to the practice, innovation, and discussion of design; including graphic design, interaction design, information architecture and the design of business. Since 2001, it’s been a peer-written journal promoting contributors who want to provoke thinking, push limits, and teach a few things along the way.

74. AJAXian – Dion Almaer is the co-founder of Ajaxian.com, the leading source of the Ajax community.

75. UXBooth – The UX Booth is a group that writes about User Experience, and offers free Website Usability Reviews that all designers and developers can benefit from.

76. 24Ways – 24 ways is an edgeofmyseat.com production. Edited by Drew McLellan and Brian Suda. Design delivered by Made by Elephant. Possible only with the help of our splendid authors.

77. TheDesignCubicle – Brian Hoff is the founder of this blog. On this website you will find my personal graphic design portfolio (My design services are currently available for hire), as well as a blog focusing on the main subject of graphic design.

78. Line25 – Line25 is the drawing board of creative web design, a place where ideas and inspiration are drafted out into articles, tutorials and roundups of cutting edge web design.

79. 1stWebdesigner – 1stwebdesigner is a design blog dedicated to bloggers, freelancers, web-developers and designers. Topics focus on web design,graphic design, tutorials and inspirational articles.

80. The Design Super Hero – Design Super Hero – the name is enough – nicely designed blog by the way!

81. Creattica – a site of daily news and links for creatives and designers. We cover a broad range of creative inclinations from graphic to product design, interactive to motion, advertising to articles.

82. MyInkBlog – MyInkBlog is the creation of Andrew Houle and is designed to be a resource for web and graphic designers alike. It is my hope that this site equips you with some tools and inspiration to help you get things accomplished. Most of us in this industry are self-taught; and would not have the knowledge we’ve accumulated if it weren’t for many kind and intelligent people who have helped us along the way.

83. Theme Forest – ThemeForest is an Envato Marketplace. At ThemeForest you can buy and sell site templates and themes to skin popular CMS products like WordPress, Drupal and Joomla. Files are priced from just five dollars, based on the complexity, quality and use of the file. Anyone is free to sign up for an account and begin trading or purchasing files.

84. Creative Briefing – This blog is about Marketing, Design and Enterpreneurship. This blog is owned by Verne Ho who is a web designer and creative director for a Toronto-based creative marketing agency.

85. Brian Yerkes – Blog of Mr. Brian Yerkes who is the creative director of Brian Joseph Studios.

86. ColorBurned – Colorburned is a design blog featuring some of the best design news, resources, and tutorials from around the web. On this website you will find free vectors, textures, patterns, Illustrator and Photoshop brushes as well as tutorials and interviews with some of the biggest players in the design industry. Our focus here is to arm you with the tools and knowledge that you need to create better designs in less time.

87. From the Couch – ‘From the Couch’ is an Online Video show, hosted by us brothers Marc and David Perel, which covers everything web orientated. We show you CSS tips, how to create websites from nothing and also chat about news in the web world.

88. Viget – In this blog, facilitated by the designers at Falls Church, VA-based web consulting firm Viget Labs, we discuss the latest standards, review some of the greatest sites, give opinions on books and conferences, and generally talk about the challenges and the glories of creating art in this evolving web design industry.

89. SpeckyBoy – Speckyboy Design Magazine launched in October 2007, as my personal web design homepage. I was just taking (what felt like) a giant leap into freelance design and consultancy, and needed a home base for my potential clients to get in touch with me… Somewhere over the following months this site changed direction, when I realized I was getting more and more visitors.

90. WebAppers – WebAppers is a blog dedicated to share top quality open source resources for web developer and web designer daily. As a web designer, you’ll find some of the best free icons, stock photos, brushes, fonts and design inspirations. As a web developer, you’ll also find some of the best Javascript and Ajax components like modal windows, menus, galleries, tooltips, charts, calendars plugins and a lot more …

91. The FWA – Favourite Website Awards – Web Awards at the cutting edge. Very popular site and very useful for web designers and developers.

92. Freelance Switch – FreelanceSwitch is a community of expert freelancers from around the world. If you’ve got a job you need doing, you can put up a free job ad on our job board to find a professional designer, developer, blogger, photographer, illustrator or virtually any other type of freelancer! If you’re a freelancer, whether brand new or seasoned veteran, this is the place to get all the information and support you need!

93. Design You Trust – Design You Trust is a daily design blog and community, full of new design trends, news and events, great design portfolios, young design bloods, design articles, photographies, fashion, creative advertisements, architectural inspirations, video design and hand-picked design stuff from all over the globe.

94. Photoshop Lady – Photoshop Lady aims to collect the best and free photoshop tutorials around the internet. All of the high quality photoshop tutorials are categorized into 3D Effect, Abstract Effect, Drawing Effect, Photo Effect, Text Effect, Texture & Patterns and User Interface Design.

95. I Love Typography – I love Typography (iLT) was born on August 8, 2007; I, on the other hand was born … quite some time earlier. iLT was born from a desire to bring the subject of Typography to the masses. All too often, articles on typography are rather bland and, although informative, do little to elicit feelings of wow.

96. ReadWriteWeb – ReadWriteWeb is a blog that provides Web Technology news, reviews and analysis. It began publishing on April 20, 2003 and is now one of the most widely read and respected blogs in the world. It has around 275,000 RSS and email subscribers.

97. SEO Book – This site offers marketing tips, search analysis, online business tips, and general commentary on the evolution of the web. Launched in 2003, we have one of the oldest standing SEO sites that is still regularly updated. The site originally was designed as a blog that offered DIY SEO tips and helped sell the leading SEO ebook, which had sold well over $1,000,000 in volume.

98. Tutorials007 – Tutorials007 provides your free and easy all kind of tutorials and articles. Feel free to use our adobe photoshop, adobe flash, asp, php, css and other free tutorials for your learning purposes.

99. AppStorm – Chances are if you’re reading this blog you love your Mac. Well we do too, and we know there’s nothing better than tricking it out with some killer Mac apps. With so many independent app publishers around though, it’s hard to keep track of what’s out there.

100. Rockable Press – We provide resources for web and creative professionals to get good at what they do! We produce ebooks, reports, and guides. Our sites and products are used by thousands of talented people every day.

